Living from Authenticity

The notion of being a ‘good’ person has come up for me a lot lately. Everyone does things they’re not proud of; everyone can look back and identify mistakes they’ve made. Many of us have also faced impossible choices where we will feel like bad people no matter what we decide. Does any of that make us bad people? Continue reading

The Beautifully Useful Unconscious Mind

When I first began seeking heightened self-awareness, I believed I had to bring all my unconscious tendencies into my conscious mind – and keep them there. I saw the unconscious as a dumping ground for things we didn’t have time to face or process; I believed that the goal was to empty it. Eventually, I realized this is not only impossible, it’s actually counterproductive.  Continue reading

Communication in Conflict

Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of a disagreement that quickly degrades into an argument, or even a fight. How does this happen? Why is it that we so often find ourselves in these situations where we feel like our words are falling on deaf ears, where all we say seems to worsen the situation? Continue reading

Embrace the Chaos

This year is the year of the Fire Monkey in Chinese astrology. It is a year of intensity and sudden change – in short, chaos. Many of us have had a very tough year so far, whether it be from health problems, losing family members or friends, or just a seemingly constant onslaught of conflicts. These problems are to a degree or magnitude we haven’t experienced before, which leaves us feeling overwhelmed and run-down.  Continue reading